Monday 8 June 2015

Day 276.

A Huhu grub. Photography by Jennifer Morton web

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: one – caused by fright. Feed hopper: half full. Weather: a warm day but I feel cold.

I’ve heard the most disturbing news about a thing called Asian Bird Flu. Apparently when you first catch it your eyes get watery, then your nostrils run and you start sneezing, and then you Up and DIE! Just like that! There’s no cure, but the worst thing is that if you get it the people kill your whole flock – no questions asked. I can’t even begin to imagine that happening. Imagine, just briefly before I block it out of my head, being responsible for the destruction of all your family just because you have a runny beak.

I got this horrifying news from the ducks (who got it from that old ‘reliable’ source, the wild ducks), but for once I believe it because they said it could happen to ducks too.

On a more positive note I came up with an inspired poem about huhu grubs:

A poem about huhu grubs by Ruby
You’re so fat and yummy
to chew chew.
You see me coming,
I hear you boo hoo.
But you gotta share
my point of view too
Cos’ you’re filled with
delicious zoo goo
And I’m gonna happily eat
you YOU!

Incandescent use of split timing. I’m good!

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