Saturday 28 February 2015

Day 176.

Bush eggs: two. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: full. Weather: a bit bloody cold frankly.

Brrr. Who turned off the sun! It seems that summer is All Over Rover (I’ve always wondered who Rover is.) Such a shame really as the cold weather gets harder and harder on this middle aged-ish hen. We don’t get much seasonal change here in Pecka Pecka apart from the shorter and colder days – no lively red leaves like Bertha told me about once and certainly no ‘cold white’ that she got at her old place occasionally. Imagine that – wake up one morning and all your precious food is under a hard, white and extremely cold substance. Sounds like some kind of cosmic mistake.

I made up this super poem to commemorate the changing of the seasons:

Summer is gone by Ruby
Summer that was in full swing
Has now taken wing
And left us with cold
The world feels old

Come back summer
You are my friend
Don’t let winter make mine end

But if I have to have the chill
Let it not sap my will
Then will come the thrill
Of another summer still.

What a lovely poem. I love the change of tempo towards the end, gives it a wistful feeling. A sterling effort and a fitting end to my favourite season!

Friday 27 February 2015

Day 175.

Bush eggs: two. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: full. Weather: a bit of a nip in the air, a slight hint of things to come.

Paula seems to have it sussed now: her third egg was well timed; a lovely size and shape, in her own nest – done and dusted. Her choice of nest is a bit dubious though; it’s a little shallow dish, nicely lined with dry grass, everything in place and immaculate, but in the MIDDLE of the path The Female Person uses to bring the duck feed down to the pond in her CAR. Paula’s lucky though – since the orange monster’s been and done its destructive job the sand is too soft to drive on so Paula’s nest is safe for now.

And how do we know that the sand is too soft to drive on? Because The Female Person whizzed down there as usual in her big beast of a car and one side sank in the sand trap leaving the other side up in the air with wheels spinning. The Female Person got out of the car (with difficulty as she was on the high side), circled the car twice, clutched her head in her hands, uttered some VERY colourful language, got back in the car, made it make a terrible growling sound but then – incredibly – the car slowly righted itself and crawled out of the soft sand. The Female Person looked very relieved and clapped her hands like an idiot.

It was an entertaining wee moment for us all.

Thursday 26 February 2015

Day 174.

Bush eggs: none. Almost nest box eggs: one – not mine though. Feed hopper: a small quantity left if you looked hard.

Paula laid her second egg today. We were having a good nosh-up at the feed hopper when all of a sudden Paula raced off to the nearest nest (just happened to be the nest box). She didn’t quite make it and was terribly embarrassed at laying an egg on the floor of the chicken house but Steve, Brian and I reassured her that it’s sometimes what happens when you’re young and not practised (I didn’t like to mention to her that it also happens when you are old and loose too).

We can now only access the people house through an ungated gap in the fence. This is terribly inconvenient for us as it cuts off easy access to the driveway but I guess we’ll just have to walk a bit further.

Wednesday 25 February 2015

Day 173.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: quarter full.

Pretty boring day except Steve caught a fly mid-flight, impressive! And Paula has taken a well-earned egg break too.

On a slightly more worrying note the fencer guy has finished the wooden bit of the fence around the people house. That wooden fence was fine since we could go through it but now he appears to be putting up CHICKEN wire as well! Could it be that the people don’t want us up by the house? I’m not panicking yet but if that really is the case then this is BAD news.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

Day 172.

Bush eggs: three! Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: half full. Jubilant young hens: one.

Oh happy, happy day! Paula has finally laid her first egg. She is looking very proud and a little sore and is taking each of us down on an accompanied visit to her own little nest that she’s chosen. And there it is, a lovely egg; a little on the small side and not quite symmetrical but that’s to be expected.

Brian is as pleased as a peacock and is showering Paula with affection and ignoring the Boys for once.

Jack was very interested in Paula’s first egg too. Hmmm, I might have to have ‘the talk’ with Paula if Brian hasn’t already.

The fencer guy made good progress today. He really is a hard worker and quite interesting to watch.

Monday 23 February 2015

Day 171.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: half full. Weather: windy.

Another strange male person was here today. I recognised him from a while back – he puts fences up for Grey Gun. He was also the one who pulled the fence down from around the pond so we like him. He brought his large dog with him today but the dog was without brain or malice, therefore we were relaxed. Anyway this fencer guy was putting a fence around the people house. Seems pretty unnecessary but it will look attractive, I suppose.

Paula was looking preoccupied all today.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Day 170.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: half full.

There is a strange male person making a lot of noise in the garage. I also noticed junk being taken out of the garage and being thrown away (a VERY rare occurrence). Maybe the people are constructing a new (Bigger! Better!) chicken house in there. Jack says it might be an egg-processing plant – that made us both crack up with laughter!

Saturday 21 February 2015

Day 169.

Bush eggs: two. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: three-quarters full.

A Wee Poem by Ruby
It’s no longer raining
The Boys are in crow training
And this poem is straining
My poetic talent


Friday 20 February 2015

Day 168.

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: three-quarters full.

Still raining. Wobbly wattles – I hope it’s not like this time last year. It rained so much, so suddenly in the middle of a wet summer, that the pond overflowed until the whole pond area was under water. Betty and Licorice were living down there at that time and they had to pretend to be ducks (they fitted right in as they were both stupid enough). The ducks’ feed hopper floated for a while and then sank, causing all the feed to get wet. The bridge was under water and the ducks were in ducky heaven.

Living up here on the sand dune we didn’t even get puddles, but it was interesting to watch the scene below us at the pond.

Ah, Betty and Licorice, what a pair. I could write more about them right now but to tell you the truth the rain on the roof of the chicken house is making my head sore. The rain on the Pecka Pecka plain often rots my brain and makes thinking a strain.

Thursday 19 February 2015

Day 167.

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: one – it was raining. Feed hopper: three-quarters full.

Oh, great. Brian read last night’s entry and is now not speaking to me. I stick by what I said and I can also add to it by calling her a sticky beak with no respect for personal property.

Right, I’m off to talk to Steve, or rather I would if it wasn’t raining so hard on the tin roof of the chicken house that conversation is practically impossible.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

Day 166.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: full. Disgusting nest boxes: three.

Those Boys are still sleeping in the nest at night. It’s not proper. I’ve talked to Brian, I’ve told her that the redness on the Boys’ legs is caused by them sleeping in their own filth. She said “Leave them alone, they’re only babies.” It’s crazy. She’s so indulgent towards them; let’s them get away with anything. No discipline! Jack does his bit but discipline has got to come from the mother too.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Day 165.

First egg celebration. Photography by F L Campbell

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: full. Weather: a beautiful day, not too hot, a slight breeze.

I told Paula a better story today. I told her how in the olden days when hens laid their first egg The Female Person would make a special raisin and jam sandwich, then get out the camera and take a photograph of the sandwich, the hen and the blessed event (the egg). There also used to be birthday photographs: one each year for each chicken’s birthday, again with handmade cakes. It seems like The Female Person had a bit more time back in the golden, olden days.

Monday 16 February 2015

Day 164.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: full.

Paula has been asking everyone (everyone who can lay, that is) about their first egg. She is due to lay hers very soon, now she’s a point-of-lay pullet. There is definitely an air of nervous excitement about her. I had told her about my first egg already (the one that The Little Person broke) so I told her the story about being caught laying by the people. I couldn’t move because the egg was so far down and I had to keep on squatting and panting even with the people all up close and WAY too personal. I wasn’t trying to put Paula off – the story just sort of came out – but she wasn’t impressed and huffed off elsewhere for “good” advice.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Day 163.

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: full. Weather: a lovely day.

It’s funny: today was a very slow day with nothing exciting happening but it was a nice day and everybody felt content. Last week we had a slow day and nothing happened and it was boring and everyone got grumpy. So was it something in the air?

Saturday 14 February 2015

Day 162.

The Ducks. Acrylic on canvas by F L Campbell.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: full.

I was having a good feed-up this morning when I was jostled at the feed hopper by one of those cheeky (stupid) ducks. It seems our feed hopper was filled, but theirs wasn’t. I had at one stage thought that they got out of the pond area to raid our feed hopper by flying but those comedy wings of theirs wouldn’t fly a fart! Up close he (I know he’s a he because he has a wee curl in his tail feather – a subtle sign for sure) had surprisingly intelligent eyes though and, oh, his feathers were so smooth when he rubbed along my wing!

Stop it Ruby, stop it! First Grey Gun now Mr. Duck. Just be happy with Jack you silly old cluck!

Friday 13 February 2015

Day 161.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: full. Unrealised plans: mine for WAR.

Well, that was a short-lived war. By the time I had gathered recruits to uproot the plants again the feed hopper was full and there was protective netting over her garden. And here am I: purposeless poultry, a feckless fowl, Ruby without a cause!

Thursday 12 February 2015

Day 160.

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: empty.

I got help from all the others yesterday and we scratched out all the plants The Female Person put in; then she came straight back and put them in again! Is she stupid like the ducks? Can’t she tell that we don’t like her choice of plants? The feed hopper is empty as well. We have no choice – this is WAR!

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Day 159.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: empty.

The Female Person did some gardening today, again pulling out all the good edible plants and putting stupid-looking, disgusting-tasting succulents in. I’ll give them a good scratch when she’s done and hopefully uproot them. It’s not that I’m mean; I’m merely showing my dissatisfaction in the only way I know how (besides, it’s excellent fun).

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Day 158.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: a bit left in the corners. Resolutions made: one important one.

No. No! I won’t get back together with Grey Gun. A hen’s gotta move on. Gotta make progress. Forge a new path. These are all good things for a hen to do.

I think I’ll go and laugh at the ducks to take my mind off emotionally traumatic – but wise - decision.

Monday 9 February 2015

Day 157.

Just Friends Grey Gun. Photography by F L Campbell.

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: quarter full.

Went and saw Grey Gun today and we had a lovely chat. He said he had missed my visits and wondered why I didn’t come over as much any more. I’m not sure if he is saying he wants to get back together – I think it is a really bad idea.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Day 156.

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: one – I was bored. Feed hopper: half full. Favourite eggshell colour at the moment: off taupe.

Umm, slow day today, might pop over to see Grey Gun tomorrow for old times’ sake.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Day 155.

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: half full.

Brian is still muttering curses under her breath about the loss of her nest. She feels a bit silly wandering around with her naked broody patch showing too. I feel bad for her – every hen loves raising chicks, though I must say that those Boys of hers could do with some parenting still. Perhaps it’s for the best that new chicks will not preoccupy Brian. I won’t go sharing that thought with her just at the moment though.

Friday 6 February 2015

Day 154.

Bush eggs: two. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: half full. Staggeringly unhappy hens: one.

Steve had just finished laying in Brian’s nest (bringing the total up to nine with Brian’s help) and we were all under the pines close by when the orange monster returned and headed straight for us! I was petrified and fled behind the garage with the rest of them, Brian included. But not much later she plucked up the courage to return to her nest (I followed) just in time to see it STOMPED on by the orange monster! Well, she went right up to it and gave it an immense peck and then started to swear at it in the most frightful bad chicken language – I didn’t even know she knew any words like that. She was so brave telling off the orange monster while it continued to rip up the earth. But all is lost on the nest front, I’m afraid.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Day 153.

Bush eggs: three – one was mine! Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: half full. Very unhappy hens: one.

All that work for nothing! Steve and I both helped out Brian and increased her egg count to ten but then the female person and her Little People came and got three eggs again! What is this, pillage by installment? Brian is furious. She is really tearing out her broody patch feathers now and will start sitting tomorrow.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Day 152.

Bush eggs: two. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: three-quarters full. Unhappy hens: one.

Oh dear, Brian’s ropeable. The female person and her Little People took three eggs today, so Brian was left with only five. She convinced Steve to lay an egg in her nest and she laid one there herself so she is back to seven – I might be able to help out tomorrow (or maybe the next day). She has also decided to sit very soon instead of waiting for the full complement of fourteen eggs and has started gently plucking the feathers out of her broody patch in preparation.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Day 151.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: three-quarters full. Weather: very hot again.

Brian has started a lovely nest under one of the trees that was uprooted by the orange monster. So far Brian has eight eggs in there and hopes to have fourteen before she sits. The female person and her Little People found it yesterday but didn’t take any eggs out of it. I guess she must be happy with Brian’s plan as otherwise she would have removed the eggs.

Monday 2 February 2015

Day 150.

Bush eggs: none – too hot apparently. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: three-quarters full.

I have another, better dumb joke to share:

Q: Why did the chewing gum cross the road?
A: It was stuck to the chicken.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, I love MY dumb jokes.

I especially love my dumb jokes on hot, hot days (like today) when no one has energy for anything but flopping around under the pines and telling dumb jokes.

Sunday 1 February 2015

Day 149. Late Summer

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: three-quarters full. Good jokes heard: none.

Jack told me this dreadful joke today:

Q: Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
A: The rooster, of course!

Oh ha ha, very droll. Jack scampered off in a fit of giggles.