Sunday 7 June 2015

Day 275.

Us? No! It was like this when we got here! Photography by F L Campbell

Bush eggs: none. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: half full.

Yuck, yuck, YUCK! We were all crashing through the boxthorn in the dark looking for scrummy huhu grubs (Jack’s daft idea) when Jack (leading the daft expedition) stomped on an old abandoned nest and broke three VERY rotten eggs. The smell curled my beak! And we couldn’t back up or turn around in the prickle bush so we all had to step through the rotten gloop to get out. We are now seven very smelly hens and one very smelly and EMBARRASSED rooster. We didn’t even find any grubs.

Roosters often lead hens astray. I remember Blacky telling me about a game of Walnut Soccer her and Sam played. It was his idea but they both got a sever telling off from The Female Person for making a mess in the porch. Sam thought it was hilarious that it was Blacky that got the punitive kick up the fluffy backside to get them out and he got off Scott free (who is this Scott?)

Roosters, who would have them? I recited my poem about sex for Jack thinking he would be totally in to it but he thought is was pretty AVERAGE! Given this mornings effort I would say Jack is the one that is average!

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