Monday 20 July 2015

Day 318.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: three-quarters full.

I shouldn’t have written about Licorice the other day. I had a nightmare about his death last night and woke up in a terrible state. You see, The Female Person is discreet. Usually sick chickens (sick in mind or body) are Sent Away, but for some reason the ‘man with the axe’ came and WRUNG Licorice’s neck! RIGHT in front of us! Usually when I know something of this nature is going down I pretend there is an extremely delicious plant behind the garage. I convince the whole flock to follow me and I keep them there for as long as possible. I don’t want them witnessing what the ‘man with the axe’ does to members of our flock.

On this occasion though it happened too fast for me to muster the flock away. It was the worst sight I have ever seen (Valerie was the second-worst sight). And the horrible noise Licorice was making before his death stopped so suddenly and left an appalling silence instead. Then the ‘man with the axe’ carried him like an empty sack of feed and slung him in his trailer – no burial for Licorice, no ceremony, no rock with his name on it and no dignity at any stage. We were stunned. Betty totally lost it after that. I felt really bad for her and the whole flock was very upset. They wanted to hate the people and it took some convincing from the people before we would trust them again.

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