Thursday 14 May 2015

Day 251.

Bush eggs: one. Nest box eggs: none. Feed hopper: half full.

The Female Person had a friend come and stay the night and she brought not one (which would be bad enough) but THREE small dogs! One of them seemed rather more interested in us than is strictly healthy so we made sure to move VERY slowly and be very BORING. I have overheard a dog describing chickens as a “fantastic combination of food AND entertainment”! I didn’t like the image it brought to mind.

The friend kept a close watch on the dogs, and apart from their roaming eyes and their salivating mouths the dogs were very well behaved (unlike that gormless one that sometimes visits…)

A poem about dogs by Ruby
A dog will bark at anything, even its own rear end
To watch it lick its balls ‘cause it can’, really does offend
But what really makes me dislike dogs
And drives me round the bend
Is the way they look
At very dead chooks
And think their necks will mend


I wish I could draw; then I would have a picture of a dog with a dead chicken at its feet and “Oops – we were only playing” coming out of a thought bubble from its head. Honestly! Do they not realise that flinging a chicken around by its slender and delicate neck will kill it? It’s a horrifying thought that anything could be that murderous without actually intending to be.

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